About the Blog

Thoughts off the cuff about life and it's wonders
Introspective fluff meant to recount the blunders
Take it at face, If you must take it all
For it speaks to us both, Who feign standing tall

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Life embrace...

I love it when refs 
Make emphatic calls
And when umpires pounce
Atop strikes and balls
The energy they bring
Parallels that of the athletes
Reminding me once more
We're all running the same meets 

We all play a part
In this world, often called stage
But its the enthusiasm we impart 
When with others, we engage
That brings us joy
And replete satisfaction 
Of societal intercourse
And meaningful interaction 

Thus with pride we perform 
In our daily masquerade 
Enjoying cerebral platform 
While mastering our trade 
For one thing I notice 
In the "real world" I see
Its like the embracers of life
That I yearn to be 


  1. O where have you gone
    O where can you be
    Atop the mountains
    Below the valleys
    The voice of one
    Conveyed in words
    Lost the pen
    Lost the passion
    Where are you
    In your urinious fashion
    Your words I miss
    Your talents I mourn
    When o when will there be more
    A Dark Horse
    Unexpected, Unnoticed
    Yet one who's inner beat
    Is louder than all the rest
    One who's inner sound
    Drowns out all the rest
    One who's inner self
    Shall overcome the rest
    For there are no others
    Just you and your dreams
    Hang on to hope
    For without it what have we

  2. Thank you anonymous. I needed that...
